Smoked salmon is a delicacy that has been enjoyed for centuries. It tastes great and it’s good for you too!
But what many people don’t know is whether smoked salmon is cooked or raw.
Here are the answers to this question, as well as some other things you might not have known about smoked salmon.

Salmon Smoking Methods: What’s the Difference?
Before we address the question of whether smoked salmon is cooked, first let’s define the terms hot-smoked and cold-smoked.
Here are the two distinct types of techniques, based on the phrases hot-smoked and cold-smoked:
What is Cold-smoked Salmon?
Cold smoking salmon, according to most experts, is more hazardous than hot-smoked salmon. After all, the raw salmon is cured and smoked at temperatures of 80-90 degrees Fahrenheit.
The fish is unpasteurized when it’s smoked cold. This implies that it must be handled with extreme care to avoid carrying germs. A product, safe for healthy individuals who have a strong immune system.
When eaten by pregnant women, cold-smoked salmon is just as risky as other semi-raw processed meat.
It’s also can be hazardous for the elderly and those with immune system problems. As a result, most nations advise these groups of people not to eat it.
Another thing to keep in mind: cold-smoked salmon’s shelf life is extremely brief when smoked cold.
When kept in the refrigerator, it will survive for only a week or two, but freezing can extend its shelf life by up to a month. This is due to the Listeria bacteria, which can survive at low temperatures.
What is Hot Smoked Salmon?
When it comes to hot smoked salmon, most people prefer to brine the salmon rather than cure it.
The temperature while hot smoking salmon is usually 120-225°F (or more). The end product has a more distinct natural taste as a result.
Hot smoked salmon that has been brined and smoked in a smoker will have a longer shelf life than cold smoked salmon, and it does not need to be refrigerated as long as it is kept in the original packaging.
It also has a more natural flavor whereas his cold-smoked counterpart has a more salty and distinct flavor.
Is Smoked Salmon Cooked or Raw?
Is smoked salmon considered cooked or raw? It depends on the smoked method you use.
When salmon is hot-smoked (120-225°F/49-82°C), it is fully cooked through.
Salmon that has been cold-smoked (75-90°F/24-32°C) is still considered raw, despite the fact that it has a slightly longer shelf life and a more distinct flavor palette
Is smoked salmon safe for eating?
Salmon that has been smoked is completely safe to eat without being cooked or heated, regardless of the kind of smoking utilized.
It’s especially true for commercial salmon since it goes through a multi-step process that kills most germs.
Bacteria may develop in cold-smoked salmon, but they won’t get out of hand as long as it’s consumed immediately or within the allowed duration.
Salmon that has been hot-smoked does not have any issues with potentially harmful bacteria.
It is smoked in high enough temperatures that destroy any potential pathogens, as previously said.
That implies reheating is pointless and will even make the salmon soggy.
An important takeaway: It’s best not to expose fish to direct heat since it can damage it and even destroy its delicate taste. And store smoked salmon in an airtight container in your refrigerator.
What Salmon Can You Use for Smoking?
Red Salmon
The Sockeye salmon, also known as red salmon, is one of our favorites to smoke.
The flesh has a high oil content and absorbs wood smoke quickly, resulting in a unique blend of sweet, salty, and smoky flavors.
The meat is also denser than other types of salmon, keeping it firm throughout the smoking process.
King Salmon
While almost any sort of salmon may be smoked, certain types of salmon are going to be more forgiving and taste better when smoked.
King salmon, also known as Chinook salmon, king salmon has a deep crimson color and rich flavor.
Coho Salmon
Coho salmon has less fat than king salmon and sockeye salmon, but coho salmon has enough oils to smoke well. Any high-quality wild-caught salmon will taste wonderfully smoked.
Pink Salmon
The flesh of these salmon is tinted pink. They’re also known as humpback or humpy salmon, which are given for another aspect of this fish’s appearance.
This species has a light rosy pink color and a low to moderate oil content.
The flavor is mild and delicate, with a smooth texture. This salmon is one of the most common types, so the pricing is usually on the lower end.
What Is the Best Part of Salmon to Smoke?
A fat stomach is best for hot smoked fish. The greater oil content in the stomach keeps it moister and lends it a more smoky flavor.
When smoked cold, the loin has subtler textures and oils, which results in a softer end product.
Can Smoked Salmon Cause Food Poisoning?
Yes, Listeria monocytogenes, a microorganism that causes listeriosis, is commonly found in most smoked salmon.
Listeriosis can infect vulnerable populations such as the elderly, pregnant women, and people with weakened immune systems.
Fever, muscular pains, diarrhea, and other gastrointestinal complications are some of the symptoms.
How to Know if Smoked Salmon Has Gone Bad?
How can you tell whether smoked salmon that has been opened is still good or spoiled? Smell and inspect the smoked salmon for signs of bad salmon, such as a sour odor and dull color: any salmon with an odd fishy smell or appearance should be thrown away.

Can You Eat Raw Salmon Safely?
According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), salmon is a parasite source.
Helminths, as well as other tapeworm species, can be found in wild salmon from Alaska and Japan. People who ate raw salmon from those areas have these parasites in their stomachs as well.
Aside from tapeworms and bacterial infections, raw salmon might also include substances from their environment.
Trace amounts of heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants (POPs) may be present in their bodies.
The former are hazardous pesticides, such as those that may be found in the salmon’s fatty tissues.
When not done correctly, eating raw salmon can be hazardous. Because Consuming flash-frozen salmon (typically flash-frozen at -31°F) is preferable.
Unfortunately, this isn’t feasible in home freezers since they lack the technology to achieve such low temperatures.
When preparing raw salmon in your own kitchen, the surfaces, including the knives and serving utensils, need to be clean. To avoid contamination, store it in a refrigerator before serving.
Is Smoked Salmon Cooked? Conclusion
Smoked salmon is a popular delicacy that has been enjoyed for centuries. While it’s considered safe to eat without being cooked or heated, there are some dangers associated with eating smoked salmon.
It’s best to smell and inspect the smoked salmon for signs of bad salmon before consuming it.
Here are the answers to this question, as well as some other things you might not have known about smoked salmon.
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