Homemade Bone Broth: Easy, Nutritious and Delicious

It’s one of the most popular healthy foods on the planet, and it’s time you made some yourself! Bone broth is a super easy way to get more nutrients in your diet. In this blog post, we will show you how to make homemade bone broth that tastes delicious and can be made in an instant pot or slow cooker too!

What is bone broth?

Bone broths are the liquid that remains after cooking meaty bones and connective tissue in water for an extended period of time. They often contain vegetables, herbs and spices as well as wine or apple cider vinegar. Bone broth is known to have a high protein content because it usually uses less water than other types like meats stocks! 

How to make homemade bone broth?

Good bone broth starts with the right bones. The best kind of bone to use for broth is beef, chicken or pork bones. You can also use lamb and duck bones, but the flavor will be a little stronger so you might want to consider adding more vegetables or herbs and spices as well!

homemade bone broth

which bones to use when making bone broth

  • Beef bones, best use knuckle and neck bones, shanks and oxtails.
  • Pork broth, use ham hocks, pork neck bones or the feet of the pork.
  • Chicken bone broth you can use a whole chicken, chicken feet, the frame of a roasted chicken, or chicken backs and wing tips.
  • Lamb broth use lamb shank or stewing bones.
  • Duck broth is a delicious recipe to make with duck feet, duck karkas or whole ducks.

Pro tip to make your perfect homemade bone broth in the instant pot or slow cooker

you’ll need about one pound per quart of water or five pounds total for a slow cooker that should be filled up halfway. If you’re using an instant pot, it’s enough to fill up half of the container with water, bones, spices and vegetables and cook on high pressure for 45 minutes to an hour depending how big your pot and how much broth you have in your instant pot.

You’ll also want to add these vegetables: carrots, celery stalks (with leaves), peeled onion quarters, garlic.

How to get started?

  • Roast your bones first. Roasting bones caramelizes their proteins and releases some fat. And that means a richer and more robust flavor for you.
  • Roast your vegetables with the roasted bones, roasting your vegetables with the roasted bones will give a wonderful flavor to your broth. Once you’ve caramelized the bones, then add in the chopped veggies!
  • Adding wine to your bone broth not only adds a touch of acidity, but also balances the flavors and gives it an interesting flavor.
  • Use enough water to just cover the bones, If you want a broth with the perfect balance of gel and protein, use just enough water to cover your bones. Bone broths are known for their high-protein content because they tend to use less water than other types like meat or traditional stocks!
  • A good broth has to be clear. The best way to achieve this is by removing any foam or scum that rises up while your broth starts cooking the bones and vegetables for several hours in water.

Kitchen tools you’ll need

  • Baking Sheet & Rack Set (3 Sheets & 3 Racks)
  • Oster French Convection Countertop
  •  Stainless Steel Stock Pot
  • Instant Pot Duo 7-in-1

What after your bone broth is finished?

Let the broth settle for a while and spoon off any fat that floats to the surface. Or pour it into your fridge, because as it cools down more of its fat will rise to form coagulating lumps on top which you can just lift off with a fork before eating.

I hope you enjoyed our homemade bone broth tips!

Basic broth recipe.

Bone broth

  • 2 celery stalks
  • 3 large carrots
  • 2 leeks
  • 2 onions
  • 1 bulb garlic
  • 5 kilogram beef bones (thick can be any bone you wish)
  • 10 liter water
  • 0,25 bunch thyme
  • 0,25 bunch rosemary (optional)
  • 3 leaves bay leaves
  • 30 peppercorns
  • 30 coriander seeds (optional)
  • 40 grams salt
  1. Chop the celery, carrots, onions, leeks and garlic into small pieces.

  2. Brown the beef bones in the oven at 200°C.

  3. When the bones are golden brown add the vegetables and roast everything for 20 more minutes

  4. Put them in a pan with the cold water and bring to the boil.

  5. As soon as the water boils skim off the protein foam.

  6. Add the chopped herbs, spices and salt.

  7. Leave to infuse for 6 to 8 hours. Ensure that the bouillon remains just below boiling point.

  8. After the preparation time has elapsed, remove the coarse ingredients carefully with a skimmer.

  9. Pour the bouillon through a sieve lined with a damp passing cloth.

  10. Reduce the bouillon to the desired flavour.

  11. Allow to cool completely and skim off the fat layer that has formed on top.

bone broth

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