Breakfast is one of those meals that always seems to be forgotten. Most people value hitting snooze on their alarm over waking up 10 minutes earlier to have a nice balanced breakfast. I can include myself in that category. Let’s face it, breakfast is the red-headed stepchild of your daily meals. Usually completely forgotten about or mistreated. So, What do you eat for breakfast when you don’t have time?

I know for a fact when I have the time to eat something small and packed with nutrients in the morning, I feel a lot better throughout the day! I don’t feel nearly as groggy like I need another coffee and I’m not wanting a snack a few hours into my morning. I’m not saying you need to go all out like you’re eating at an American style diner. The classic “bacon and eggs” breakfast has been proven to lead to increased risk of heart attacks, with bacon being extremely carcinogenic.
The question now becomes, what do you eat for breakfast when you don’t have time? As well as, what foods are going to be beneficial for me throughout my busy workday? In this article I will lay out what foods are quick to eat and going to fit into the category of healthy breakfast options. First, I’ll start with some preconceived notions on the breakfast industry.
Best Breakfast Foods
The foods in this list are following two simple guidelines, they must be nutritious for brain activity as well as quick to make. The goal here is to aim for foods that are high in healthy carbohydrates, protein and fiber. Thus, making your brain work more efficiently.
Oats are a good source of glucose, which is basic fuel for the brain. It is also nutrient rich, containing a lot of healthy fats and protein than most other grains and is a good source of fiber. Oatmeal is one of the quickest breakfasts you can make and very versatile.
I like mine topped with a fresh banana and some nuts, or a hard-boiled egg. Make sure you are buying rolled oats with no added flavorings, the “brown sugar maple flavour” isn’t going to do you any favours.

Eggs can be classified as superfoods due to the amounts of nutrients they contain. The most important brain food contained in egg yolks is choline, the incredible substance which improves memory as well as heart health. Egg whites are also well known to be a large source of protein.
They are so fast to make as needed and ahead of time. They cook in just 6 minutes; I make sure to always have a half dozen or so boiled eggs in my fridge ready to go. I peel them and eat them whole with a bit of salt and pepper. Quick, easy and loaded with nutrients.
Nuts and Seeds
If you are in a rush, nuts are the perfect brain food on the go, and they are packed with calories, fat and protein. Effortless to eat in the morning when all there is to do is grab a handful from the bag and walk out the door, no cooking involved!
Healthline has written a great article breaking down different nuts and seeds. For further information on nutrients of the vast varieties of nuts.
Chia Seeds

Chia Seeds have become popular due to their ability to help cope with depression, ADHD symptoms and improve memory. They are perfect thrown into your oatmeal, or even your water bottle. Drink them at work or in the gym, you won’t even notice they’re there.
Two tablespoons of chia seeds provide you with the following nutrients:
- 41% of your daily fiber.
- 32% of your daily magnesium.
- 64% more potassium than in a banana.
Different fruits contain different health benefits. Combining different fresh fruits in a bowl for breakfast can have a variety of outcomes. Cutting them up into a bowl or blending them into a smoothie has never been more delicious. Healthline has made another fantastic list.
They have compiled different fruits into math equations for your health. “Goji Berries + Watermelon + Lemon = Detoxification.” Be sure to click here to see what combination works best for you.
Quick and easy breakfast!
With the 5 examples listed, eating breakfast has never been easier. Every one of these items can be ready and eaten in 5 minutes. Time is no longer be an issue for breakfast. If you’re still struggling to get out the door to make it to work in time, I suggest setting your alarm 5-10 minutes earlier, or hitting snooze one less time.
I encourage you to give intermittent fasting a try to see if it is a good fit for you. There is more research being done every day on the benefits of eating less. But if you must eat breakfast, stick to the simple list provided for the best results.
I hope this article gave you some inspiration! If you want some great breakfast recipes CLICK HERE for our recipes!